The showpiece boss fights are feeble, the vaunted ‘control the animals’ feature may as well not exist along with the camera controls are a royal pain sometimes, but despite all these issues probably the most difficult thing about writing this review may be attempting to stop playing the game long enough to type some words on top of the page.
In your mind it’s a fairly easy little fighting adventure which has a bit of exploration, the casual alternative route no puzzles in any way. Starting out with ninjas Hiro and Futo,
you determine off on a mission for locate your missing ninja buddies
and defeat an Evil Warlord (that’s his name) who’s holed up inside a
faraway castle. Four elemental samurai bosses guard the method to their
master, and the countryside is patrolled by platoons of lesser enemies
conjured up from magically subjugated wildlife.

System= Pentium 4 3.2GHZ
RAM= 512 MB (1 GB for vista)
Video Memory= 256 MB
Hard Drive= 5.85 GB

1. Extract rld-mn file
2. Burn or mount with Power ISO
3. Install
4. Copy crack file from crack folder and paste into the installation directory....
4. Copy crack file from crack folder and paste into the installation directory....
5. Play and enjoy.
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